Europäische Logistikbranche steht vor schwerem Fahrermangel
At present, the European logistics industry is facing an increasingly severe challenge – a serious shortage of trailers and cargo owners and drivers! Recently, the three major European logistics organizations – the Nordic Logistics Association (NLA), the German Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr, Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL) and the French National Transport Association (FNTR) stated that by 2028, the logistics industry will face 745,000 people in Europe. With a shortage of drivers, they called on lawmakers to ensure better working conditions.
It is understood that BGL, NLA and FNTR jointly represent 25,000 logistics companies in Europe. According to a joint statement issued by the three logistics organizations, there were 233,000 vacant positions for logistics drivers in Europe last year, and by 2028, the industry expects the number of available driver positions to grow to 745,000.